Results for 'Jeffrey C. Pagaduan'

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  1.  40
    Agreement of Ultra-Short-Term Heart Rate Variability Recordings During Overseas Training Camps in Under-20 National Futsal Players.Yung-Sheng Chen, Jeffrey C. Pagaduan, Pedro Bezerra, Zachary J. Crowley-McHattan, Cheng-Deng Kuo & Filipe Manuel Clemente - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Background: Monitoring the daily change in resting heart rate variability can provide information regarding training adaptation and recovery status of the autonomic nervous system during training camps. However, it remains unclear whether postural stabilization is essential for valid and reliable ultra-short-term recordings in short-term overseas training camps.Design: Observational and longitudinal study.Purpose: This study aimed to investigate ultra-short-term heart rate variability recordings under stabilization or post-stabilization periods in four overseas training camps.Participant: Twenty-seven U-20 male national team futsal players voluntarily participated in (...)
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  2. The nature and structure of content.Jeffrey C. King - 2007 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Belief in propositions has had a long and distinguished history in analytic philosophy. Three of the founding fathers of analytic philosophy, Gottlob Frege, Bertrand Russell, and G. E. Moore, believed in propositions. Many philosophers since then have shared this belief; and the belief is widely, though certainly not universally, accepted among philosophers today. Among contemporary philosophers who believe in propositions, many, and perhaps even most, take them to be structured entities with individuals, properties, and relations as constituents. For example, the (...)
  3. New Thinking About Propositions.Jeffrey C. King, Scott Soames & Jeffrey Speaks - 2014 - New York, NY, USA: Oxford University Press. Edited by Scott Soames & Jeffrey Speaks.
    Philosophy, science, and common sense all refer to propositions--things we believe and say, and things which are true or false. But there is no consensus on what sorts of things these entities are. Jeffrey C. King, Scott Soames, and Jeff Speaks argue that commitment to propositions is indispensable, and each defend their own views on the debate.
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  4. Complex Demonstratives: A Quantificational Account.Jeffrey C. King - 2001 - Cambridge, MA, USA: MIT Press.
    A challenge to the orthodoxy, which shows that quantificational accounts are not only as effective as direct reference accounts but also handle a wider range of ...
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  5. The Metasemantics of Contextual Sensitivity.Jeffrey C. King - 2014 - In Alexis Burgess & Brett Sherman, Metasemantics: New Essays on the Foundations of Meaning. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 97-118.
    Some contextually sensitive expressions are such that their context independent conventional meanings need to be in some way supplemented in context for the expressions to secure semantic values in those contexts. As we’ll see, it is not clear that there is a paradigm here, but ‘he’ used demonstratively is a clear example of such an expression. Call expressions of this sort supplementives in order to highlight the fact that their context independent meanings need to be supplemented in context for them (...)
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  6. Speaker Intentions in Context.Jeffrey C. King - 2012 - Noûs 48 (2):219-237.
  7. Tense, modality, and semantic values.Jeffrey C. King - 2003 - Philosophical Perspectives 17 (1):195–246.
  8. Semantics, pragmatics, and the role of semantic content.Jeffrey C. King & Jason Stanley - 2004 - In Zoltan Gendler Szabo, Semantics Versus Pragmatics. Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press UK. pp. 111--164.
    Followers of Wittgenstein allegedly once held that a meaningful claim to know that p could only be made if there was some doubt about the truth of p. The correct response to this thesis involved appealing to the distinction between the semantic content of a sentence and features attaching to its use. It is inappropriate to assert a knowledge-claim unless someone in the audience has doubt about what the speaker claims to know. But this fact has nothing to do with (...)
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    Felicitous Underspecification: Contextually Sensitive Expressions Lacking Unique Semantic Values in Context.Jeffrey C. King - 2021 - New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
    This book argues that contextually sensitive expressions have felicitous uses in which they lack unique semantic values in context. It formulates a rule for updating the Stalnakerian common ground in cases in which an accepted sentence contains an expression lacking a unique semantic value in context.
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  10. Part 2. Three theories of propositions. Naturalized propositions.Jeffrey C. King - 2014 - In Jeffrey C. King, Scott Soames & Jeffrey Speaks, New Thinking About Propositions. New York, NY, USA: Oxford University Press.
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  11. Questions of Unity.Jeffrey C. King - 2009 - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 109 (1pt3):257-277.
    In The Principles of Mathematics, Bertrand Russell famously puzzled over something he called the unity of the proposition. Echoing Russell, many philosophers have talked over the years about the question or problem of the unity of the proposition. In fact, I believe that there are a number of quite distinct though related questions all of which can plausibly be taken to be questions regarding the unity of propositions. I state three such questions and show how the theory of propositions defended (...)
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  12. Structured propositions.Jeffrey C. King - 2008 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
  13. Supplementives, the coordination account, and conflicting intentions.Jeffrey C. King - 2013 - Philosophical Perspectives 27 (1):288-311.
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  14. Designating propositions.Jeffrey C. King - 2002 - Philosophical Review 111 (3):341-371.
    Like many, though of course not all, philosophers, I believe in propositions. I take propositions to be structured, sentence-like entities whose structures are identical to the syntactic structures of the sentences that express them; and I have defended a particular version of such a view of propositions elsewhere. In the present work, I shall assume that the structures of propositions are at least very similar to the structures of the sentences that express them. Further, I shall assume that ordinary names (...)
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  15. Structured propositions and complex predicates.Jeffrey C. King - 1995 - Noûs 29 (4):516-535.
  16.  19
    Arendt, Camus, and Modern Rebellion.Jeffrey C. Isaac - 1992 - Yale University Press.
    The works of Hannah Arendt and Albert Camus--two of the most compelling political thinkers of the "resistance generation" that lived through World War II--can still provide penetrating insights for contemporary political reflection. Jeffrey C. Isaac offers new interpretations of these writers, viewing both as engaged intellectuals who grappled with the possibilities of political radicalism in a world in which liberalism and Marxism had revealed their inadequacy by being complicit in the rise of totalitarianism. According to Isaac, self-styled postmodern writers (...)
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  17. Complex Demonstratives, a Quantificational Account.Jeffrey C. King - 2002 - Studia Logica 72 (3):440-443.
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  18. Propositional unity: what’s the problem, who has it and who solves it?Jeffrey C. King - 2013 - Philosophical Studies 165 (1):71-93.
    At least since Russell’s influential discussion in The Principles of Mathematics, many philosophers have held there is a problem that they call the problem of the unity of the proposition. In a recent paper, I argued that there is no single problem that alone deserves the epithet the problem of the unity of the proposition. I there distinguished three problems or questions, each of which had some right to be called a problem regarding the unity of the proposition; and I (...)
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  19. The discourse of American civil society: a new proposal for cultural studies.Jeffrey C. Alexander & Philip Smith - 1993 - Theory and Society 22 (2):151-207.
  20. Strong Contextual Felicity and Felicitous Underspecification.Jeffrey C. King - 2017 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 97 (3):631-657.
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  21. Anaphora.Jeffrey C. King & Karen S. Lewis - 2016 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
  22. What is a philosophical analysis?Jeffrey C. King - 1998 - Philosophical Studies 90 (2):155-179.
    It is common for philosophers to offer philosophical accounts or analyses, as they are sometimes called, of knowledge, autonomy, representation, (moral) goodness, reference, and even modesty. These philosophical analyses raise deep questions.What is it that is being analyzed (i.e. what sorts of things are the objects of analysis)? What sort of thing is the analysis itself (a proposition? sentence?)? Under what conditions is an analysis correct? How can a correct analysis be informative? How, if at all, does the production of (...)
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  23. On fineness of grain.Jeffrey C. King - 2013 - Philosophical Studies 163 (3):763-781.
    A central job for propositions is to be the objects of the attitudes. Propositions are the things we doubt, believe and suppose. Some philosophers have thought that propositions are sets of possible worlds. But many have become convinced that such an account individuates propositions too coarsely. This raises the question of how finely propositions should be individuated. An account of how finely propositions should be individuated on which they are individuated very finely is sketched. Objections to the effect that the (...)
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  24. After Neofunctionalism: Action, Culture, and Civil Society.Jeffrey C. Alexander - 1998 - In Neofunctionalism and after. Malden, Mass.: Blackwell. pp. 210--33.
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  25. On propositions and fineness of grain (again!).Jeffrey C. King - 2019 - Synthese 196 (4).
  26. Generative Entrenchment and Evolution.Jeffrey C. Schank & William C. Wimsatt - 1986 - PSA: Proceedings of the Biennial Meeting of the Philosophy of Science Association 1986:33 - 60.
    The generative entrenchment of an entity is a measure of how much of the generated structure or activity of a complex system depends upon the presence or activity of that entity. It is argued that entities with higher degrees of generative entrenchment are more conservative in evolutionary changes of such systems. A variety of models of complex structures incorporating the effects of generative entrenchment are presented and we demonstrate their relevance in analyzing and explaining a variety of developmental and evolutionary (...)
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  27. Singular terms, reference and methodology in semantics.Jeffrey C. King - 2006 - Philosophical Issues 16 (1):141–161.
  28. W(h)ither Semantics!(?).Jeffrey C. King - 2017 - Noûs 52 (4):772-795.
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  29. Complex demonstratives, QI uses, and direct reference.Jeffrey C. King - 2008 - Philosophical Review 117 (1):99-117.
    result from combining the determiners `this' or `that' with syntactically simple or complex common noun phrases such as `woman' or `woman who is taking her skis off'. Thus, `this woman', and `that woman who is taking her skis off' are complex demonstratives. There are also plural complex demonstratives such as `these skis' and `those snowboarders smoking by the gondola'. My book Complex Demonstratives: A Quantificational Account argues against what I call the direct reference account of complex demonstratives (henceforth DRCD) and (...)
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  30. Are complex 'that' phrases devices of direct reference?Jeffrey C. King - 1999 - Noûs 33 (2):155-182.
  31.  28
    Not so simple! Causal mechanisms increase preference for complex explanations.Jeffrey C. Zemla, Steven A. Sloman, Christos Bechlivanidis & David A. Lagnado - 2023 - Cognition 239 (C):105551.
  32. Are indefinite descriptions ambiguous?Jeffrey C. King - 1988 - Philosophical Studies 53 (3):417 - 440.
  33. Neofunctionalism and after.Jeffrey C. Alexander (ed.) - 1998 - Malden, Mass.: Blackwell.
    "Neofunctionalism and After" brings together for the first time in one volume all of Alexander's writings on neofunctionalism, the present volume also contains ...
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  34. Acquaintance, singular thought and propositional constituency.Jeffrey C. King - 2015 - Philosophical Studies 172 (2):543-560.
    In a recent paper, Armstrong and Stanley argue that despite being initially compelling, a Russellian account of singular thought has deep difficulties. I defend a certain sort of Russellian account of singular thought against their arguments. In the process, I spell out a notion of propositional constituency that is independently motivated and has many attractive features.
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    The Strange Silence of Political Theory.Jeffrey C. Isaac - 1995 - Political Theory 23 (4):636-652.
    Main deficiency of active people. Active men are usually lacking in higher activity—I mean, individual activity. They are active as officials, businessmen, scholars, that is, as generic beings....Active people roll like a stone, conforming to the stupidity of mechanics. Friedrich Nietzsche, Human, All Too Human.
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    Can Propositions Be Naturalistically Acceptable?Jeffrey C. King - 1994 - Midwest Studies in Philosophy 19 (1):53-75.
  37.  62
    Realism and reality: Some realistic reconsiderations.Jeffrey C. Isaac - 1990 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 20 (1):1–31.
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    Faculty-student collaborations: Ethics and satisfaction in authorship credit.Jeffrey C. Sandler & Brenda L. Russell - 2005 - Ethics and Behavior 15 (1):65 – 80.
    In the academic world, a researcher's number of publications can carry huge professional and financial rewards. This truth has led to many unethical authorship assignments throughout the world of publishing, including within faculty-student collaborations. Although the American Psychological Association passed a revised code of ethics in 1992 with special rules pertaining to such collaborative efforts, it is widely acknowledged that unethical assignments of authorship credit continue to occur regularly. This study found that of the 604 APA-member respondents, 165 felt they (...)
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  39. Pronouns, descriptions, and the semantics of discourse.Jeffrey C. King - 1987 - Philosophical Studies 51 (3):341--363.
  40.  40
    On the Social Construction of Moral Universals: The `Holocaust' from War Crime to Trauma Drama.Jeffrey C. Alexander - 2002 - European Journal of Social Theory 5 (1):5-85.
    The following is simultaneously an essay in sociological theory, in cultural sociology, and in the empirical reconstruction of postwar Western history. Per theory, it introduces and specifies a model of cultural trauma - a model that combines a strong cultural program with concern for institutional and power effects - and applies it to large-scale collectivities over extended periods of time. Per cultural sociology, the essay demonstrates that even the most calamitous and biological of social facts - the prototypical evil of (...)
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  41.  56
    Critical Reflections on `Reflexive Modernization'.Jeffrey C. Alexander - 1996 - Theory, Culture and Society 13 (4):133-138.
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  42. Instantial terms, anaphora and arbitrary objects.Jeffrey C. King - 1991 - Philosophical Studies 61 (3):239 - 265.
  43.  67
    Iris Young: A Tribute.Jeffrey C. Isaac - 2007 - Constellations 14 (2):289-291.
  44. Intentional identity generalized.Jeffrey C. King - 1993 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 22 (1):61 - 93.
  45.  21
    The Dark Side of Modernity.Jeffrey C. Alexander - 2013 - Polity Press.
    Social theory between progress and apocalypse -- Autonomy and domination: Weber's cage -- Barbarism and modernity: Eisenstadt's regret -- Integration and justice: Parsons' utopia -- Despising others: Simmel's stranger -- Meaning evil -- De-civilizing the civil sphere -- Psychotherapy as central institution -- The frictions of modernity and their possible repair.
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    Iconic Consciousness: The Material Feeling of Meaning.Jeffrey C. Alexander - 2010 - Thesis Eleven 103 (1):10-25.
    This article suggests an iconic turn in cultural sociology. Icons can be seen, it is argued, as symbolic condensations that root social meanings in material form, allowing the abstractions of cognition and morality to be subsumed, to be made invisible, by aesthetic shape. Meaning is made iconically visible, in other words, by the beautiful, sublime, ugly, or simply by the mundane materiality of everyday life. But it is via the senses that iconic power is made. This new approach to meaning (...)
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  47.  23
    Analyzing Knowledge Retrieval Impairments Associated with Alzheimer’s Disease Using Network Analyses.Jeffrey C. Zemla & Joseph L. Austerweil - 2019 - Complexity 2019:1-12.
    A defining characteristic of Alzheimer’s disease is difficulty in retrieving semantic memories, or memories encoding facts and knowledge. While it has been suggested that this impairment is caused by a degradation of the semantic store, the precise ways in which the semantic store is degraded are not well understood. Using a longitudinal corpus of semantic fluency data, we derive semantic network representations of patients with Alzheimer’s disease and of healthy controls. We contrast our network-based approach with analyzing fluency data with (...)
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  48.  74
    Iconic Experience in Art and Life.Jeffrey C. Alexander - 2008 - Theory, Culture and Society 25 (5):1-19.
    This article examines a key question emerging from the strong program in cultural sociology — can art provide a window into social life? An examination of Giacometti's Standing Woman shows that art attempts to express cultural structures via immersion into and through the material surfaces of aesthetic form. Through an analysis of the iconic significance of family photos, furniture and celebrities, the article goes on to suggest that such iconic experience remains at the basis of contemporary social life. It explains (...)
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  49. Three models of culture and society relations: Toward an analysis of watergate.Jeffrey C. Alexander - 1984 - Sociological Theory 2:290-314.
    One of the most important contributions of the Parsonian tradition has been its conceptualization of the relative autonomy and mutual interpenetration of culture and social systems. The first part of this chapter defines three ideal types of empirical relationships between culture and society: specification, refraction, and columnization. Each is related to different configurations of social structure and culture and, in turn, to different degrees of social conflict. The second part of the chapter uses this typology to illuminate critical aspects of (...)
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  50. Complex demonstratives as quantifiers: objections and replies.Jeffrey C. King - 2008 - Philosophical Studies 141 (2):209-242.
    In “Complex Demonstratives: A Quantificational Account” (MIT Press 2001) (henceforth CD), I argued that complex demonstratives are quantifiers. Many philosophers had held that demonstratives, both simple and complex, are referring terms. Since the publication of CD various objections to the account of complex demonstratives I defended in it have been raised. In the present work, I lay out these objections and respond to them.
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